Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Classes that are built below the level tear

TUNDUMA Ward Councillor in Momba district, Mbeya region Frank Mwakajoka  has said that the contractor who built the high school JM Kikwete and J.K.Nyerere Tearing these buildings and steps taken for what are alleged to be below standard .
The statement issued yesterday in his visit , said that the decision stemmed from a decision by the school board decided that those where the buildings have been built below the level that was necessary to be built.
He said that the government provided funding to the contractor in order to build three buildings for the two school and have up to now these buildings have been built and the natural begun laying down floors and some walls while still it can be useful .
Mwakajoka explained that the construction in the area of ​​ top they 'd laying moths in order to emphasize the remarkable wall is to be properly documented for all three classes for the two school when it is dangerous to crumble.
"This contractor has built classrooms down the rate at which people were depending on depending on the knowledge he had now begun to damage the lower floors when we have not yet delivered " said Mwakajoka .
He added that the government could accomplish the same building provided 66 million shillings for the two school if you are aiming to build three classrooms for the two school labels stable for the use of teachers and students.
One of the members of the board of school Anyosisye Kasanga said that three rooms of classes in high school J.K.Nyerere has
Tear and lead to prayer for Government Shs 33 million for construction.
He said that in school J.M.Kikwete rooms that are identified that have been built below the level what is needed to explain that there are some rooms that is already part of the cracks began to lean on the windows .
" There are some classrooms that are clustered in the power of the people from primary to Section top and has been stable , this current contractor he is a scholar , why is building under the level when he studied " asked Kasanga


DIWANI wa kata ya Tunduma wilaya ya Mombaa mkoa wa Mbeya Frank Mwakajoka amesema kuwa mkandarasi aliyejenga shule ya sekondari J.M. Kikwete na J.K.Nyerere abomoe majengo hayo na kuchukuliwa hatua kwa kile kinacho daiwa kuwa yapo chini ya kiwango.

Kauli hiyo imetolewa jana katika ziara zake, alisema kuwa uamuzi huo unatokana na maamuzi ya bodi kwa shule hizo ambapo ziliamua kuwa majengo hayo yamejengwa chini ya kiwango kilichotakiwa kujengwa.

Alisema kuwa serikali ilitoa fedha kwa mkandarasi ili kuweza kujenga majengo matatu kwa shule hizo mbili na kuwa hadi sasa majengo hayo yamejengwa na yameshaanza kuhalibika sakafu ya chini na baadhi ya kuta wakati bado hayajaanza kutumika.

Mwakajoka alieleza kuwa ujenzi huo katika eneo la linta walitarajia kuwekewa nondo ili kuweza kukazia ukuta ajabu ni kuwa hazikuwekwa kwa madarasa yote matatu kwa shule hizo mbili wakati ni hatari kuweza kubomoka.

"Huyu mkandarasi amejenga vyumba vya madarasa chini ya kiwango ambacho wananchi walikuwa wakitegemea kulingana na elimu aliyokuwa nayo, hivi sasa sakafu ya chini imeanza kuharibika wakati bado hatujakabidhiwa" alisema Mwakajoka.

Aliongeza kuwa katika kuweza kukamilisha ujenzi huo serikali ilitoa kiasi cha shilingi milioni 66 kwa shule hizo mbili ikiwa ni lengo la kujenga vyumba vya madarasa vitatu kwa shule hizo mbili vikiwa imala kwa matumizi ya walimu na wanafunzi.

Mmoja wa wajumbe wa bodi hiyo ya shule Anyosisye Kasanga alisema kuwa vyumba vitatu vya madarasa katika shule ya sekondari J.K.Nyerere vimebomolewa na kusababisha hasala kwa serikili kiasi cha shilingi milioni 33 kwa ujenzi huo.

Alisema kuwa katika shule ya J.M.Kikwete vyumba hivyo vimebainishwa kuwa vimejengwa chini ya kiwango kinacho takiwa na kueleza kuwa kuna baadhi ya vyumba hivyo vimesha anza kupiga nyufa sehemu za konda na madirishani.

"Kuna baadhi ya vyumba vya madarasa ambavyo vinajengwa kwa nguvu za wananchi kuanzia msingi hadi sehemu ya rinta na vimekuwa imala, sasa huyu mkandarasi yeye ni msomi mbona anajenga chini ya kiwango wakati amesomea" aliuliza Kasanga.

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