Information prepared by the District Commissioner Rosemary Senyamule has recently said that the government has decided to form a club to fight corruption and ethics to equip young people to abandon the habit of desiring money corruption when they were in office servant .
Rosemary has said that if young people are educated on the effect of corruption and manage their own that will help reduce corruption in the district and the nation in general different from the grasp perceptible every area that corruption has become is one way of being able to generate income for people in need .
He said the young ones will be the nation's leaders so it might be advisable in every school club that will provide education on the issue of corruption , adding that the office will be follow clubs PCCB train more .
" The student was academically prepared on anti-corruption to believe that he can not pursue because she had already received sufficient education and the impact has already been told, so even if employed will be a good servant who does not love corruption " said Senyamule .
She also said that the purpose of the district is good ethics , laws, regulations , and procedures among civil society and the guidelines and directives from various levels of government.
In turn the head of PCCB district Kitty Helbert said that there are challenges that struggling clubs in operation, and that includes at least you have the budget led to the failure to conduct training for when you have supposed .
He said that another challenge is the presence of academic and social life for students and describe it arrives time to teach the students that are in preparation for the exams held for inactivity by exercise appropriate time .
He added that education is provided to the students if goals the comb to educate the whole community and aspire to corrupt behavior and that students learn parents if they refuse but set the heart facilitate the exercise.
One of the students from the high school Itumba Juma Mwashitete said that the training has been the only one way to overcome the temptations of corruption that uncultured mouths of people that is the way to get their rights Against presumption than the existing order .
He said that the whole community will be required to learn these lessons that some people have put the issue of corruption as a way to generate income difference and it is, therefore urging all students get the same education that is the foundation of their lives
HALMASHAURI ya Wilaya ya Ileje kupitia Taasisi ya kuzuia na kupambana na Rushwa (TAKUKURU) imeamua kuunda klabu za wapinga Rushwa katika shule zote 21 za Sekondari zilizomo wilayani humo ikiwa ni lengo la kuandaa taifa lililo kamili.
Taarifa iliyoandaliwa na Mkuu wa Wilaya hiyo hivi karibuni Rosemary Senyamule amesema kuwa serikali imeamua kuunda klabu hizo ili kupambana na rushwa na kuimalisha maadili kwa vijana kuweza kuachana na tabia ya kutamani fedha za Rushwa pindi wanapo kuwa katika wadhifa kiutumishi.
Rosemary amesema kuwa iwapo vijana wataelimishwa juu ya madhala ya rushwa na kusimamia wao wenyewe jambo hilo litasaidia kupunguza suala la rushwa kwa wilaya hiyo na taifa kwa ujumla tofauti na inavyo sikika kila eneo kuwa rushwa imekuwa ni njia moja wapo wa kuweza kujipatia kipato kwa watu wenye shida.
Amesema vijana ndio watakuwa viongozi wa taifa hivyo ni vyema kukawepo klabu katika kila shule ambazo zitasaidia kupeana elimu kuhusu suala la rushwa na kuongeza kuwa ofisi ya Takukuru itakuwa ikizifuatilia klabu hizo kuwapa mafunzo zaidi.
"Mwanafunzi akiandaliwa kimasomo juu ya kuweza kupambana na rushwa naamini kuwa hataweza kujiingiza kwa kuwa amesha pata elimu ya kutosha na madhara amekwisha ambiwa, hivyo ata akiajiliwa atakuwa mtumishi mzuri asiye penda rushwa" alisema Senyamule.
Aidha amesema kuwa lengo la wilaya hiyo ni kusimamia maadili mema, sheria, kanuni, na taratibu miongoni mwa jamii na watumishi wa umma na miongozo na maagizo kutoka ngazi mbali mbali za serikali.
Kwa upande wake mkuu wa TAKUKURU wilaya Helbert Kitty alisema kuwa kuna changamoto ambazo zinazikabiri klabu hizo katika uendeshaji, na kuwa ni pamoja na uchache wa bajeti unao sababisha kushindwa kuendesha mafunzo kwa wakati unao takiwa.
Alisema kuwa changamoto nyingine ni kuwepo na mwingiano wa masomo kwa wanafunzi na kueleza kuwa inafika muda wa kufundisha wanafunzi wanakuwa wapo kwenye maandalizi ya kufanya mitihani zoezi bilo kuto fanyika kwa muda mwafaka.
Aliongeza kuwa elimu hiyo inatolewa kwa wanafunzi huo ikiwa nilengo la kuweza kuelimisha jamii yote kuchana na tabia za kutamani rushwa na kuwa wanafunzi waendapo kujifunza wazazi wasiwakatalie bali wawatie moyo ilikuweza kufanikisha zoezi hilo.
Moja wa wanafunzi kutoka shule ya sekondari Itumba Juma Mwashitete alisema kuwa mafunzo hayo yamekuwa ni njia moja wapo ya kuweza kuondokana na vishawishi vya rushwa iliyo jengeka midomoni mwa watu kuwa ndiyo njia sahihi ya kuweza kupata haki zao kwa ulahisi zaidi kuliko utaratibu uliopo.
Alisema kuwa inatakiwa jamii nzima ijifunze masomo hayo kwa kuwa kuna baadhi ya watu wamekuwa wakiweka suala la rushwa kama njia ya kuweza kujipatia kipato tofauti na ilivyo, hivyo na kuwataka wanafunzi wote kupata elimu hiyo kwa kuwa ni msingi wa maisha yao.
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