Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Pastoralists introduce new techniques for dogs to herd the cattle

Pastoralists resident of Chunya District Council has decided to Mbeya introduce new techniques that will help children that go to school councils and abandon pastoral work cattle and mining.

Speaking to ' A 5w's + H blog, ' district Chunya the farmer and the farmer , Elias Mwembe , said that to protect their children and livestock wave instead make it work.

He explained that the majority of the District 's parents fail to enroll their children in school classes start due to two factors that are gold mining and grazing .

Mwembe said after discovering it was decided he should be a model for other breeders where he developed a new technique for dogs to herd the cattle instead of humans continue to perform these operations and defeat other economic work .

He said he personally has a herd of at least 100 dogs that had divided them into three groups according to the groups of cows 1000 , the work of these dogs is to feed cattle in the pastures where he has more than four years since the technique used bottleneck .

He explained that human labor used in cattle that is currently small given that the force used is to guide the cattle go to pasture summer morning hour So when five hours followed by return home for milking dairy calf nutrition .

The farmer explained that after milking the livestock headed back to the suburbs and left protected and dogs up to 11 hours of evening time to expulsion .

He breeders as they imitate the technique would provide an opportunity for the community 's children attend school instead of prostitution in livestock and loss of talent that is underground and undermined by the patriarchal culture in which he mentioned that at present may be outdated .

Commenting on the success of the program said he was sure the dog has access to enough food twice daily and to date have already used the duration of their roles as food and to feed .

'' Food of the dogs being produced and my wives twice a day , I thank God that the dogs have been working well because I have not received complaints from farmers that livestock me swept through the crops, it has never happened and it is incipieare me that whereas it is possible ''. He

The farmer that has volunteered to build dip livestock that has support for pastoralists various areas especially in the region of Mlimanjiwa , the farmers contributed about TZS 150 per cow a cost that is low compared to the dips also other breeders charged Shs 500 each ng ' ask for one .

" I have done this to help my fellow breeders and I wish there was no cost to you but I have to contribute for the cost of medicine " . He

Mango said he joined the government to denounce the actions of parents allow children to engage in mining activities instead of valuing education which is the foundation of national development .

" If possible, I wish I'd come back to read hard childhood that I could serve the nation effectively but unfortunately leaves me age is supported so I have to design programs that can benefit the community and the nation at large , " said Mwembe

Similarly , he urged young people to use their opportunities for continuing education activities , livestock and agriculture in order to get rid of economic rather than specializing in mining which is currently the exceptions also need literacy and modern tools to protect the environment but also to make a profit .

MFUGAJI mkazi wa Halmashauri ya Wilaya ya Chunya mkoani Mbeya ameamua kuanzisha mbinu mpya itakayo saidia watoto wa halmashauri hiyo kwenda shule na kuachana na kazi za uchungaji Ng'ombe na uchimbaji wa madini.

Akizungumza na 'A 5w and H blog,' wilayani Chunya mfugaji huyo na mkulima, Elias Mwembe, alisema kuwa ili kuwanusuru watoto wao na wimbi la  mifugo badala ya watoto kufanya kazi hiyo.

Alifafanua kuwa idadi kubwa ya wazazi Wilayani humo wanashindwa kuwaandikisha watoto  wao kuanza masomo shuleni kutokana na sababu  mbili kuwa ni uchimbaji wa dhahabu na kuchunga mifugo.

Mwembeh alisema baada ya kugundua hayo aliamua yeye awe mfano wa kuigwa kwa wafugaji wengine ambapo amebuni mbinu mpya ya Mbwa kuchunga ng'ombe badala ya binadamu kuendelea kufanya shughuli hizo na kushindwa kufanya kazi zingine za kiuchumi.

Alisema yeye binafsi amefuga mbwa wasiopungua 100 ambao amewagawa katika makundi matatu kulingana na makundi ya ng'ombe 1,000, kazi ya mbwa hao ni kuwachunga ng'ombe kwenye maeneo ya malisho ambapo ana zaidi ya miaka minne tangu mbinu hiyo ianze kutumika.

Alifafanua kuwa nguvu kazi ya binadamu inayotumika kwenye mifugo hiyo kwa sasa ni ndogo kutokana na kwamba nguvu inayotumika ni kuiongoza mifugo kwenda kwenye malisho majira ya saa moja asubuhi na ikifika saa tano wanaifuata na kuirudisha nyumbani kwa ajili ya kukamua maziwa na lishe ya ndama.

Mfugaji huyo alieleza kuwa baada ya kukamua mifugo hiyo inaongozwa tena kwenda malisho kisha kuachwa ikilindwa na mbwa hadi saa 11 za jioni muda wa kurejeshwa nyumbani.

Alisema wafugaji kama wataiga mbinu hiyo itatoa fursa kwa watoto wa jamii hiyo kuhudhuria masomo badala ya kutumikishwa kwenye mifugo  na kupoteza vipaji vyao ambavyo vimejificha na kudhoofishwa kwa tamaduni dume ambazo alizitaja kuwa kwa sasa zimepitwa na wakati.

Akizungumzia kuhusu mafanikio ya mpango huo alisema anahakikisha mbwa wanapata chakula cha kutosha mara mbili kwa kila siku na hadi sasa wamesha zoea muda wa chakula na majukumu yao wakiwa kwenye malisho.

''Chakula cha mbwa kinaandaliwa na wake zangu mara mbili kwa siku, nashukuru Mungu kwamba mbwa wamekuwa wakifanya kazi vizuri kwa sababu sijawahi kupata malalamiko kutoka kwa wakulima kwamba mifugo yangu imeingia katika mazao, haijawahi kutokea na hilo ndilo insipayer me kwamba kumbe inawezekana''. Alisema

Mfugaji huyo amejitolea kujenga josho la mifugo ambalo limekuwa msaada kwa wafugaji wa maeneo mbalimbali hasa kwenye kanda ya Mlimanjiwa, wafugaji hao wanachangia kiasi cha Shilingi 150 kwa kila ng'ombe mmoja gharama ambazo ni ndogo ikilinganishwa na majosho mengine ambayo wafugaji hutozwa Shilingi 500 kila ng'ombe mmoja.

"Nimefanya hivyo ili kuwasaidia wafugaji wenzangu na nilitaka kusiwe na gharama yoyote ila nimelazimika kwa ajili ya kuchangia gharama za dawa". Alisema

Mwembe alisema anaungana na Serikali kukemea vitendo vya wazazi kuwaruhusu watoto kujihusisha na shughuli za uchimbaji wa madini badala ya kuthamini elimu ambayo ndiyo msingi wa maendeleo taifa.

"Kama ingewezekana natamani ningerudi utoto ili nisome kwa bidii niweze kulitumikia taifa kikamilifu lakini bahati mbaya umri umenitupa mkono hivyo sina budi kubuni mipango inayoweza kuinufaisha jamii na taifa kwa ujumla,"  alisema Mwembe

Vilevile, aliwataka vijana kuzitumia fursa zao kwa shughuli za kujiendeleza kielimu, ufugaji na kilimo ili kujikwamua kiuchumi badala ya kubobea kwenye uchimbaji wa madini ambao kwa sasa ni ghari pia unahitaji kisomo na vitendea kazi vya kisasa ili kulinda mazingira lakini pia kupata faida.

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