Wednesday, March 5, 2014

The piece of Land of woman has been robbed by the rich one (This in English and Swahili)

CONFLICTS of land and their right to exist in ignorance of the people have been deprived of their rights and confiscation of their pieces and people with money in the community.

Speaking to journalists at the office of Human Rights Mbozi District in Mbeya, resident Mlowo, Rehema Seme said he robbed his piece of land and a man who allegedly using the money to take a piece of land ..

Describing the incident was the widow mother said that her piece of land stolen by the border between it and the moon , who has built a sergeant in front of his compound .

The crisis began after Mwamwezih started building in his area and then multiplying the breaking of the location of the widow and claim that he bought until he reached where is the plot of the mother.

He took his case to the court of the First District Mbozi where the court issued a judgment before him to give evidence and to listen to one side and asked him to continue the development Mwawezi .
The next day after the court verdict delivered Mwawezi continued construction and increase again to cut the plot of the mother from the area in which they have a conflict that had a size two meters and add another part was the widow maize .

She bought the area in 1999 and the plot in an area that was previously unplanned but claimed that he bought the plot in an area where land Measured with the same cut no place where the land Measured .

Due to her ignorance of the law and the courts recognize the land he took his case in the first instance rather than take the case to the court of the land which covers only land issues where they would find enough support in connection with his case .

For his part the chairman of the human rights of the Mbeya region Mohamed Said , She wanted him to follow up his judgment in the court in order to appeal.

MIGOGORO ya ardhi na kuwapo kwa kutojua haki zao wananchi wamekuwa wakinyang’anywa haki zao na kunyang’anywa vipande vyao na watu wenye Pesa katika jamii.

Akizungumza na waandishi wa habari katika ofisi za haki za Binadamu wilayani Mbozi mkoani Mbeya, mkazi wa Mabatini Mlowo, Rehema Seme alisema kuwa amenyang’anywa kipande chake cha ardhi na mtu anayedaiwa kutumia pesa kuchukua kipande cha ardhi.

Akielezea mkasa huo mama huo mjane alisema kuwa kipande chake cha ardhi kilichukuliwa mpakani kati yake na Sajenti Mwamwezi ambaye amejenga mbele ya kiwanja chake.

Mgogoro huo ulianza baada ya Mwamwezi kuanza kujenga katika eneo lake na kuzidisha kisha kumega eneo la mjane huyo na kudai kuwa alinunua mpaka alipo fikia ambapo ni kiwanja cha mama huyo.

Alisema alipeleka kesi yake katika mahakama ya Mwanzo wilayani Mbozi ambapo mahakama ilitoa hukumu kabla ya yeye kutoa ushahidi na kusikiliza upande mmoja na kumtaka Mwawezi kuendeleza ujenzi.

Siku ya pili baada ya hukumu ya mahakama kutolewa Mwawezi aliendeleza ujenzi na kuongeza tena kukata kiwanja cha mama huo kutoka eneo ambalo walikuwa na mgogoro ambalo lilikuwa na ukubwa mita mbili na kuongeza sehemu nyingine ambayo kilikuwa na mahindi ya mjane huo.

Mjane huyo eneo hilo alinunua mwaka 1999 na kiwanja hicho katika eneo ambalo halijapimwa lakini inadaiwa kuwa alinunua kiwanja hicho katika eneo ambalo ardhi imepimwa huku katika kata hiyo hakuna sehemu ambayo ardhi yake imepimwa.

Kutokana na mama huyo kuto jua sheria na kuitambua mahakama ya ardhi aliipeleka kesi yake katika mahakama ya mwanzo badala ya kuipeleka kesi hiyo katika mahakama ya ardhi ambayo inashughulikia masuala ya ardhi pekee ambako angepata msaada wa kutosha kuhusiana na kesi yake.

Kwa upande wake mwenyekiti wa haki za binadamu mkoa wa mbeya Saidi Mohamed, alimtaka Mjane huyo  kufuatalia hukumu yake katika mahakama hiyo ili kuweza kukata rufaa. 

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